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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

30 Years Of Man's Life Disappear In Mysterious 'Kansas Rectangle'

Yeah, outside of KC Kansas is pretty desolate. From The Onion:
Experts estimate that several million tons of consumer goods disappear into the region per year. Yet, almost nothing, save for the odd Sunday morning church broadcast, is ever detected coming back out.

Still, some travelers have returned to tell their tales. The most frequent occurrence reported by those who have survived the Kansas Rectangle is extreme disorientation and an unsettling perception of time distortion.

Boulder, CO resident Ned Frome entered the Rectangle in 2005 while en route to visiting family in St. Louis.

"I had been driving for hours, but it was as though I hadn't moved at all," Frome said. "I had no idea which direction I was going in. No matter where I looked, everything was exactly the same and before long, normal navigation was almost impossible."

"I'll never go in there again," Frome added with a shudder. "I felt like I was going insane."


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