Greenpeace in Russia

"We know no mercy and do not ask for any."
Maybe Al Gore should take a trip to Moscow.
Shamelessly stolen from here.
Read this, It will make you a better person
(Reuters) - Suspected U.S. drones fired missiles into Pakistan on Friday killing at least 14 people, intelligence officials and residents said, in the first such strikes since Barack Obama became U.S. president.
Frustrated over what it sees as Pakistan's failure to stem the flow of al Qaeda and Taliban militants from its lawless tribal regions into Afghanistan, the United States stepped up cross-border attacks last year.
There were separate strikes in the northwestern border regions of North and South Waziristan.
In the first attack, three missiles hit a house in a village 2 km (1 mile) west of Mir Ali, a major town in North Waziristan, the officials said.
"Nine bodies have been pulled out the rubble," Ismail Wazir, a villager told Reuters by telephone.