Tommy “The Swami” Masterson’s Astrology Project

Anybody who knows me believes that I am of divine origin. Of this there can be no doubt. The consensus of the people that have had the pleasure to meet me is; Tommy is the greatest person to ever walk the Earth. I have decided to give something back to the people that worship me by using my divine knowledge to create astrological horoscopes! Truly this is a great gift! Furthermore, I will be posting horoscopes for a time, just to prove to you that I am beloved of God!
Please find your birth sign below, and read about your self!
They need to learn how to make constructive use of their energetic efforts. Pieces cling to their own ideas and habits and may fail to take advantage of new ideas or situations, because they cannot see their practical use. However, they must learn to speak with candor instead of simply repeating what others want to hear. They have to learn how to reach an emotional balance since they tend to be overly sensitive and moody. Neither is there reward in giving misguided loyalty to those who are not worthy of it, which is another possibility with a Pieces Sun sign.
An Aquarius can too easily become a victim by identifying with the personality and problems of other people, because this severely restricts the development of their own personality and talent. Aquarius people need to keep physically busy. They have to understand that while tenacity and a stable temperament yield reward in many endeavors, tolerance and flexibility are the best assets when it comes to personal relationships. They have to learn how to reach an emotional balance since they tend to be overly sensitive and moody.
They need definitive guidelines. A Capricorn can too easily become a victim by identifying with the personality and problems of other people, because this severely restricts the development of their own personality and talent. They refuse to budge whenever an issue involves what they believe to be a matter of principle. A Capricorn can too easily become a victim by identifying with the personality and problems of other people, because this severely restricts the development of their own personality and talent. Though others may find it difficult to keep pace with a Capricorn, they are attracted to their animation and spirited personality.
Rules and regulations provide the structure they need to establish their own behavioral patterns. Sagittarians are born looking for ideologies to which they can stubbornly cling. Often painfully shy, they are adept at imitating the mannerisms of other people in order to hide their own personalities. While others may find it hard to keep up with a Sagittarius, most are drawn toward their bright and lively personality.
Always ready to travel for business or pleasure (and sometimes because of an overwhelming urge to escape) Scorpio’s are all too willing to break free of the confinements of responsibility and work. They willingly handle many tasks when it helps them get what they want. They refuse to budge whenever an issue involves what they believe to be a matter of principle. A Scorpio can be easily duped by sympathizing too closely with the issues of others, because this severely restricts the evolvement of their own mind and personal skills.
They have to learn that jealousy and possessiveness are self-defeating. Restless energy and the need for personal independence keep a Libra moving in many directions. Many things are accomplished, because Libra’s always strive to reach higher goals. As in the case of the Aquarian Abraham Lincoln, society greatly benefits when these principles are applied. A Libra can all too easily become subject of a con by identifying with the personality and problems of other humans, because Libra’s believe that they are too smart to fall victim to any scam.
They have to learn how to deal with confrontation. Virgos stubbornly cling to emotional attachments. They become experts at adapting to the culture or climate of their immediate environment. They must learn, however, that the end never justifies the means. Virgo is adapt emotionally to their environment.
To deflect attention away from them selves, Leo’s will also focus on other people by praising their talents and virtues, or by criticizing faulty behavior or personal imperfection. Leo’s accomplish things because they intellectually evaluate what needs to be done, and then they charm others into cooperating to achieve the goal. They rarely forget or forgive emotional rejection. Leo’s are all too willing to break free of the confinements of responsibility and work. They must learn, however, that the end never justifies the means.
Their stubborn nature makes it hard for them to accept that there is no virtue in giving what they want to give, rather virtue means giving what may be wanted or needed. Cancer’s adapt to different people and situations by finding ways to make they useful. By unselfishly sharing the success of accomplishment with those who have assisted them, Cancer’s nurture the cooperative efforts of others. No other sign has the emotional strength of Cancer. Cancer’s are all too willing to forgo work for the pleasure of a vacation.
By making other people feel like family members, Gemini’s effectively motivate others to get things done. Gemini’s stubbornly cling to their pride. To hide their vulnerability, they focus attention on what they're doing rather than who they are. They have to learn how to deal with confrontation. Their fear of hurting others and also of hostile situations can keep them from reaching their goals. Re-channeling negative feelings and experiences into constructive activity benefits others, as well as themselves.
Taurus’ have clever tongues and develop an amazing ability to obscure the facts with stimulating and imaginative chatter. Taurus can get things done through the power of their emotional commitment. They do not readily alter their opinions or behavior at the request of others. Neither is there reward in giving misguided loyalty to those who are not worthy of it, which is another possibility with a Taurus Sun sign.
Aries must understand that while tenacity and a stable temperament yield reward in many endeavors, tolerance and flexibility are the best assets when it comes to personal relationships. Using their communicative skills, Aries are adapt to any situation they encounter. Not only do they aggressively work to accomplish the goals inspired by their own feelings, they also know how to appeal to the emotions of others. There is not any benefit in giving loyalty to those people whom do not deserve it, which may happen, with an Aries Sun sign. To detract attention away from them selves, Aries will also focus on other people by complementing their talents and virtues, or by criticizing errant behavior or personal foibles.
-"Swami" Masterson
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