I Just Became a Millionaire: Part 2
I really can’t believe I got a reply so fast. “Mrs. Welch” sent me this message today:

Wow this is getting better and better, now she is referring me to her “lawyer”, whom does not seem to exist…

These guys are going to bite hard. I am portraying myself as an American criminal and degenerate, an apostate to Islam and cult leader, (this is especially important if this scam is from Nigeria) with hundreds of well-off followers.
This is the message that I sent to the “lawyer”:

I am guessing that these degenerate criminals do not understand English very well, as their emails are replete with run-on sentences, spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. The next communication I send them will be a fiery corona of SC II references, metaphors, and Christian rhetoric.
-Tommy Masterson
(click here to continue to part 3)

Wow this is getting better and better, now she is referring me to her “lawyer”, whom does not seem to exist…

These guys are going to bite hard. I am portraying myself as an American criminal and degenerate, an apostate to Islam and cult leader, (this is especially important if this scam is from Nigeria) with hundreds of well-off followers.
This is the message that I sent to the “lawyer”:

I am guessing that these degenerate criminals do not understand English very well, as their emails are replete with run-on sentences, spelling errors and grammatical mistakes. The next communication I send them will be a fiery corona of SC II references, metaphors, and Christian rhetoric.
-Tommy Masterson
(click here to continue to part 3)
Ha ha ha!
I hope you get her/him.
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