I Just Became a Millionaire: Part 4
I received what appears to be a canned response that has been quasi-personalized! For a British lawyer, Mr. Pierre’s English has degenerated to the point of the aboriginal clicking-speak Bushmen tongue in “The God’s Must be Crazy”. This new email is nearly incomprehensible; check it out:

O.K. what I get from this is he wants an address or a bank account number/ABA number. He thinks he has my name, so at this point a bank name and account number would be sufficient to send demand drafts to drain my account. This is the minimum goal of their end game. I think what they will angle for is sending me one of these fake cashiers checks that U.S. banks tend to honor. This is what I am hoping for, if they respond to this:

The plan at this point, if they bite, is to have them mail me some cash and a “check” to “bribe” my friend to reopen my account. This is my end game.
(Continue to part 5)

O.K. what I get from this is he wants an address or a bank account number/ABA number. He thinks he has my name, so at this point a bank name and account number would be sufficient to send demand drafts to drain my account. This is the minimum goal of their end game. I think what they will angle for is sending me one of these fake cashiers checks that U.S. banks tend to honor. This is what I am hoping for, if they respond to this:

The plan at this point, if they bite, is to have them mail me some cash and a “check” to “bribe” my friend to reopen my account. This is my end game.
(Continue to part 5)
that is hilarious. I wonder what his response to the penis questions will be. LOL
This is all very funny, but I think what cracks me up the most is the email he asks you to reply to...I don't remember it exactly, but something to the effect of lawyercompany@yahoo.com. How novel! An upstanding member of the UKs version of the Bar or whatever, and he keeps himself close to his clients by using Yahoo's free email service.
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